Manicure Trend Becomes A Common Style

Manicure Trend Becomes A Common Style
Evolution of Nail Art

Goes away back of time, manicure art only represented females beauty, power and delicacy. Gradually, manicure was injected with a lot of elements.

As time goes by, various trends emerge and manicure styles change. At the same time, manicure styles transform from simple conservative style to exaggerated style, however, mostly it is related to females.

Nowadays, women not only use nail art to demonstrate their personality, but also their nail art needs to match with their clothes, bags or hair color etc. Besides, several fashion brands will design models' nail style when their products are on the show. As far as we can see, Nail art can not only highlight the characteristics of women but also set off the characteristics of the product.

More than above, until now, nail art is not a specialty for women anymore, but nail art appears more and more in the male group. Nail art has different appearances in different men's pursuit of different styles. In addition to showing different styles from women to men, nail art can also make men pay more attention to the cleanliness and beauty of nails.