Nail Beauty FAQ
Q: Can I make changes to or cancel my order after placing it?
A: It is unfortunately no longer possible to cancel or change your order due to the processing order automatically at the system. Please be sure to double-check your order details before checking out. We will not be able to change your shipping address or order details once your order has been sent to our warehouse for processing.

If you have questions about this process, feel free to reach out to us via our chat service, and we will be happy to help!
Q: I need to change my shipping address; how can I do this?
A: Please be sure to double-check your order details before checking out. We will not be able to change your shipping address or order details once your order has been sent to our warehouse for processing.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: Once your order has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive an email with your tracking information. Please wait for your package to be scanned by the carrier and to start receiving status updates.
Q: Where can I view my order history?
A: You can keep track of your orders by making an account on our website. Simply sign up with the email address used to place your order and create a password.
Q: What payment methods do you accept on your website?
A: We work with Shopify Payments to bring you a diverse range of payment options on our website. We currently offer most major credit cards, VISA, AMEX, Shopify Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. If you'd like to see another option available on our website, we would love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to contact us via our chat service with your suggestions.
Q: What currencies do you offer on your website?
A: Orders to the United States and the rest of the world are charged in USD.
Q: Do you offer special discounts?
A: We’re offering an exclusive 20% discount for fans who are our brand kol. Just add our kol exclusive code on the cart page, and your discount will be applied at checkout. Please note: the 20% discount cannot be combined with other onsite discounts. In the event of an onsite sale or promotion, 20% will be deducted off the full price of the item when using your kol exclusive code.

We are a Nail Brand Online Store. We provides reliable and effective nail tech supplies that facilitate and ease the working processes of nail care lovers. Need a wholesale offer? Contact us today.


Customer Service - GMR IT Solutions

Pre-Sales and After-Sales services that boost return rate

- We' ve hundreds of brand influencer with their beautiful artistry and creative designs that have boosted inspiration for our clients.
- Whether you are nail beginners or professionals, our professionals and salers can help.
- We offer a range of customer services to help our clients improve order experience.
- We keep tabs on nail industry update to help us provide a forward-thinking nail products and customer service.

Our provides products include:

1. Gel Polish
2. Extension Gel
3. Nail Brush
4. Acrylic Powder
5. Dip Powder
6.Tools & Accessories

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